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Le Pouf Cardi Knitting Tutorial
Introduction to Hand Dyed Yarn 認識手染線
Yarn shopping:北方牧人X編織英文 (1:30)
Fading yarn combination(漸層配色) (10:47)
Using handdyed yarn(使用手染線) (11:33)
Finishing winding(捲線收尾) (0:52)
Read Your Pattern 認識織圖
Hedgehog fibres(HHF品牌簡介) (2:27)
le pouf cardi(漸層開襟外套織圖簡介) (8:42)
le pouf cardi cont‘d(織圖簡介續篇) (13:13)
Read pattern measurements(織圖尺寸怎麼看) (2:41)
Measuring your size(如何測量尺寸) (5:09)
Gauge Swatch 密度織片
Why swatching?(為什麼要做密度織片?) (2:43)
needles(棒針) (6:12)
Swatching 1(製作密度織片一) (7:09)
Swatching 2(製作密度織片二) (8:46)
Blocking swatch(定型織片) (4:49)
Measure your gauge(測量密度) (3:18)
My gauge is different!(我的密度不一樣!) (2:49)
Size reference(尺寸參考) (2:02)
Let's Cast On 起針吧
Cast on(起針) (7:06)
Set up row(預備段) (6:18)
row 1&2(第1、2段) (13:14)
row 3&4(第3、4段) (9:15)
Repeat Section 重複加針
Repeat row 3&4(重複第3、4段) (9:07)
2XL, 3XL, 4XL, 5XL only(後四個尺寸繼續加針) (1:07)
Create Fading 漸層換色
Create fading(製作漸層效果) (4:02)
Estimate yardage(估算袖子用線量) (2:40)
Change yarn(換色接線) (5:50)
Timing for changing color(換色的時機) (3:28)
Divide Body from Sleeves 分出袖子
Tools for dividing sleeves(分袖工具) (3:11)
Dividing row(分袖段) (9:50)
Work Body 編織主體
After dividing row(分袖之後) (5:08)
Tips for changing color(換色藏線小技巧) (3:46)
Uneven stitches?(針目不平整?) (4:55)
About Color 顏色那些事
Max fading sample(另一種配色) (1:25)
Fading effect with solid color(單色的漸層效果) (1:27)
Blending your fade(微調配色比例) (3:15)
Work Hem 編織下襬
Stop st st(停止平織) (2:09)
M for underarm center(腋下中間的記號圈) (1:45)
Ribbing(羅紋針) (5:04)
Length of hem(決定下擺長度) (2:33)
Bind Off Your Hem 下擺收針
BO in rib(依羅紋收針) (4:01)
Another choice(另一種收針方式):準備篇 (7:35)
Tubular BO 1x1 ribbing(管狀不間斷收針:收縫篇) (9:51)
Notes for kitchener st(對縫步驟小抄) (1:51)
Tubular BO 1X1 ribbing: last 2 sts(管狀不間斷收針:最後2針目) (4:47)
Tubualr BO on 1 needle(在單針上收縫) (3:23)
Sleeves 雙袖記
Divide yarn for sleeves(分線做袖子) (5:25)
Pick up & knit sleeves(挑針做袖子) (17:49)
The other sleeve(另一隻袖子) (7:01)
Change color for sleeves(袖子換色) (4:17)
Timing for increase(袖子加針的時機) (5:24)
Increase rnd(加針圈) (5:28)
Count your rnds(計算圈數) (1:29)
Sleeve length(袖子多長才好?) (4:16)
Decrease rnd(減針圈) (4:57)
Ribbing for sleeves(袖口羅紋) (1:55)
BO sleeves(袖子收針) (11:03)
Fix dropped yarn(補救漏線) (6:05)
Knit 2 at a time(1):兩袖一起織(上) (6:47)
Knit 2 at a time(2):兩袖一起織(下) (14:11)
Work Collar 製作衣領
New color for collar(領子新配色) (2:33)
Collar(領子說明) (1:07)
Weave in ends(藏線) (6:52)
Pick up front(前襟挑針) (9:12)
Pick up back neck (後領挑針) (4:49)
Pick up left front(左前襟挑針) (4:05)
Learning new techniques(學習新技法) (2:56)
Rib for collar(羅紋領) (1:31)
BO collar(衣領收針) (6:08)
BO last sts(收縫最後幾針目) (4:01)
Use Up Your Yarn 剩線運用
Leftover yarn project(剩線小物) (3:01)
Finishing Touch 修飾步驟
Fix joint yarn(處理接線) (5:12)
Last steps(最後的步驟) (1:21)
Tools for blocking(定型工具) (2:28)
Wet blocking 1 下水定型(一) (3:50)
Wet blocking 2 下水定型(二) (7:29)
Show & Tell 漸層開襟外套作品區
Share your work(分享您的作品)
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Change yarn(換色接線)
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