Sophie Scarf by PetiteKnit & Milkshake scarf by Veera Välimäki
Frequently Asked Questions 常見問題
Does the course fee include materials? 課程費用是否包含工具?
All course fees DO NOT include yarn or knitting tools. (Because I don't sell them!) Please prepare your own tools and yarns. This bundle DOES NOT include English patterns. You can buy it directly from designers (links available in Course Introduction). The courses offer authorised Chinese translations. Please read course cotents for further information. 不含線材及工具,請依個人喜好自行準備。小圍巾課程內提供設計師授權的中譯織圖,但需自行購買原文織圖方可參加課程,請詳閱織圖介紹單元。
I don't speak English. Can I join this course? 我完全不會英文,可以參加這堂課嗎?
Watch FREE preview lectures and decide for yourself! If you can learn something from previews, then yes. Otherwise, no. 請善用試看免費內容,看得懂即可參加,看不懂則不適合。
Is there any course requirement or prerequisite? 誰適合參加本課程?
You should be familiar with knit and purl. You can find your own seat on train or plane (e.g. 15D or 7E) without difficulty. 知道何謂棒針,織過下針(knit)、上針(purl)即可參加,沒織過衣服或單件作品也可以。有英文基礎(認識26個英文字母,在飛機或高鐵上能自己順利找到座位15K在哪裡),願意學習新單字;看到單字似懂非懂不會唸的人更適合。