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All about bind off
Introduction to BO 基礎收針
Absolute beginner BO(完全新手收針) (5:29)
How to Choose 如何選擇收針方式
Best BO method(最適合的收針方式) (4:40)
BO in Pattern 依圖樣收針
BO in pattern(依圖樣收針) (3:15)
BO front band(前襟收針) (5:42)
Take a break(中場休息) (0:58)
Tame the corner(平整的收針結尾) (3:04)
Binding off Hem for Bulky Yarn 粗線帽簷收針
Bo in pattern(依圖樣收針) (8:15)
Tips for BO in pattern(套收針小訣竅) (2:29)
Tubular BO 管狀不間斷收針 1x1 ribbing
Tubular BO 1x1 ribbing:準備篇 (7:35)
Tubular BO 1x1 ribbing:收縫篇 (9:51)
Tubular BO 1X1 ribbing:最後2針目 (4:47)
Tubular BO on 1 needle(在單針上收縫) (3:23)
Tubular BO in round(圈織收縫) (11:03)
Tubular BO 管狀不間斷收針 2x2 ribbing
Join yarn while BO(收針時接線) (7:49)
Tubular BO last 2 sts(收縫最後2針目) (1:43)
Tubular BO 2x2 ribbing簡易版:收縫篇 (10:22)
Tubular BO 2x2 ribbing簡易版:問答篇 (2:33)
Tubular BO 2x2 ribbing簡易版:預備篇 (7:40)
Tubular bo in round(圈織時收針) (16:55)
I-cord Bind Off 繩編收針
I-cord bind off(繩編收針) (9:19)
I-cord BO last 3 sts(繩編收針最後3針) (3:52)
I-cord bind off with 2 strands(雙股線繩編收針) (5:35)
I-cord BO Grafting(繩編圈織接合) (6:37)
Tubular BO with Double Knitting 雙層管狀不間斷收針
Yarn for BO(預留收針用線) (2:52)
Double knitting tubular BO (1)(雙層管狀不間斷收針一) (8:27)
Double knitting tubular BO (2)(雙層管狀不間斷收針二) (8:23)
Memorizing stitches(記憶針法) (2:04)
Double knitting tubular BO (3)(雙層管狀不間斷收針三) (3:30)
Picot Bind off 花邊收針
Introducing picot BO(花邊收針介紹) (1:25)
Picot BO how-to(花邊收針作法) (5:06)
Russian Grafting 俄式接合法
Russian grafting: Intro(俄式接合法:簡介) (7:46)
Russian grafting: how-to(俄式接合法:操作示範) (5:43)
Half Stretchy BO 半彈性收針
Half stretchy BO(半彈性收針) (4:13)
Tips for stretchy BO(彈性收針的訣竅) (3:22)
Join BO(接合收針邊) (2:40)
3-Needle Bind Off(3棒針套收)
Folded hem(雙層下襬常見收針方式) (12:12)
The correct way? (「正確」的編織方式) (4:26)
Stitch mounting(針目座向) (1:55)
BO last sts(3棒針套收的最後針目) (2:32)
Estimate BO Yardage 預估收針用線量
BO hem(下襬收針) (4:01)
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Tubular BO 1x1 ribbing:收縫篇
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